Friday, May 27, 2011

The 100 Day Challenge – A long overdue update

When I fall off the blog wagon, I really fall off. I’m getting back on.

On May 5th, the 100 day no sweets challenge officially ended. I took all three of my “passes”during my 100 days and indulged in chocolate stuff (a wonderful, yet sinful dessert that is likenend to an slightly undercooked brownie), a piece of my dad’s birthday cake (best cake on the planet for the best dad) and bananas foster (I saw god).

In 100 days, I lost 6 pounds. I felt great.

And then May 6th rolled around and I somehow felt the need to make up for lost dessert time. In the span of 3 weeks I not only fell off the no dessert wagon, the wagon rolled me over. A couple of times. Clearly I have an issue with falling off the wagon, regardless of topic. There were krispe creme donuts, ice cream, a butterfinger, ho-ho cake, more ice cream, brownies, still more ice cream, bananas foster and a crème brulee.

The sad reality is, I have no will power. None. Nada. If there are brownies at home I will eat them. Because I can. My spouse bought me three peanut squares and damn if I didn’t eat them all. In one day. I am here to tell day, you can eat three peanut squares in one day, but you will feel dreadfully sick. I’m just saying.

So I’m back on the no dessert wagon. I think it’s in my best interest to limit my dessert intake to once a month instead of once a day. That sick feeling is rarely worth it and frankly, I really don’t want that 6 lbs back.

Updates to follow.