Saturday, November 6, 2010

Washing Machine Update

As previously documented in last week’s “It Comes in Threes” blog (ok, it wasn’t a blog as much as a glorified woes me pity party) my washing machine died. Diagnosis from my spouse, who by the way is pretty good with diagnosing TV issues but has no real mechanical aptitude, concluded the washing machine was suffering from a busted water pump.

Fast forward to Thursday last, when the nice repair man arrives between 8:35am and 10:35am. In my little rose colored glasses world, I was expecting to be doing much needed laundry by noon. My washing machine glass was half full.

After 30 minutes the repairman resurfaces and says: “A busted pump is the least of your worries.”

Ah yes, the words every homeowner loves to hear.

And just like that my washing machine glass went from half full… to sad, empty and broken.

Apparently some random foreign object wore a 3 inch hold in the drum of and then leaked water onto the motherboard, subsequently frying said motherboard. FML.

The good news. A washing machine is still under extended warranty for one year and 4 days. This means it will either be fixed or replaced. Repair dude recommends replaced, which of course requires secret-docier paperwork filled out in triplicate to be routed to a washing machine committee to make the final ruling on fixing verses replacing my very broken washing machine.

The bad news. I am still without a washing machine and will be forced to relive my college days via the Park Town Laundromat. I start scouring for quarters.

Regular laundry is enough of a hassle. However just make things slightly more challenging I am currently prepping for 3 winter craft shows that start in about 2 weeks. Attempting to tye dye 50+ pieces with no functional washing machine is an exercise in creative problem solving.

Commencing hauling 4 baskets and one hamper of laundry to Park Town Laundromat, which I will admit is startlingly clean. Snaps for Laundromats on the west side of Madison. Spend 10 minutes how to change the cycle on the machine. Insert $2.25 in quarters (laundry has gotten substantially more expensive since 1986). Sit back and wait for the magic to happen.

On the plus side – one can knock out 5 loads of wash + drying time and folding in 2 hours. On the downside I still am without my own washing machine – hence another trip to Park Town Laundry in my future to rinse out 25 cotton candy pink dresses and pre-wash a load of blanks that need to be dyed.

Once again. I’m scouring for quarters.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the majority of the points in this article and it’s great without any doubt and you can also find this on “Sons Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services” they have latest technology to give you better services. (, Just have a look!!!
    Anyone else have anything better?
