Saturday, August 27, 2011


Once a year I attend American Players Theater (APT) with my girlfriends in an attempt to get cultured.

I am not against culture, but plays just aren’t my thing. That probably explains why I only attend one per year. I’m more of a musical kind of gal. If folks aren’t intermittently breaking into song and prancing about in costumes with sparkles you’re going to lose me.

The whole event is very nice. It really is. There is picnicking beforehand with an ample amount of wine, snacks and snarky banter. This is my favorite part of the whole affair. I’d be only too happy to sit in the woods in Spring Green and drink wine all night. But then a bell chimes indicating the play is going to start and we trudge “up the hill” as they say, to be cultured by Shakespeare.

There are a couple of flaws with the whole culture in the woods Shakespearean plan. First, I’ve usually had a few glasses of wine, am happily buzzed and would like to continue to go on being happily buzzed. I’m a booze bag that way.

But one can’t continue to throw down red wine whilst watching Shakespeare. That’s frowned upon by the management. Spirit crushers.

The other flaw is, I generally only comprehend about every third word of the play. That’s pretty good if the play is on the lighter side of Shakespeare such as an “As you like it” or a “Taming of the Shrew”. If you’re going to force me to endure a “Hamlet” then the words to understating ratio is going to drop like a stone.

I know I am a huge cultural disappointment to my friend who graciously coordinates this event each year. Let’s be honest, I watch an unhealthy amount of reality TV and cooking shows. I don’t exactly fit the profile for “has a deep love of the classics”. I choose my books by the ever important criteria of smut content. I definitely gravitate towards books that fall into the “good beach read” category and walk right on by the Jane Austin and Shakespeare at the local library.

Overall I successfully comprehended most of The Taming of Shrew although I would be lying if I said it was my all time favorite play. I appreciate it the experience for what it is. It forces me outside my cultural comfort zone, I get to chat with my besties, drink some good wine and enjoy a nice summer night.

That’s a good dose of culture for this year I think.

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