Friday, October 29, 2010

It comes in threes

My mother has this saying that bad things come in threes. Three bad things will typically happen in quick succession. Then the bad luck is over. Bad of course, is a relative term. Bad doesn’t always mean death or illness. But it pretty much always involves unexpected expenses.

I am into my 2nd set of threes in the last ten days. Any more bad stuff and I’ll be swinging from a rope…or bankrupt. 
  1. Ocotober 13th:  Fistulotomy. Two blog entries on this subject alone. A fistulotomy by itself should count as three things. I’m still waiting for the bill but I’m guessing $2,800 for my portion of the deductible.
  2. October 17th:  My dryer decided to start making a very bad noise. The kind of noise that would generate a call to the repairman. Lucky for me my spouse works for a major appliance company. The good news he had a direct access to the service manager. The bad news is the noise correlates to the type of repair “not worth fixing” because the repair is only slightly less than a new dryer.
  3. October 18th:  The garage door wouldn’t go all the way down. Upon further inspection by said husband, the gears were stripped. Happily the fix was only $47 on a part purchased from, 8 hours of spousal labor and 6 days of parking our cars in the driveway. And I found out at my routine dental appointment I need a crown and not the princess sparkly kind either. One of my teeth currently has a silver filling. The silver filling is cracked threatening to break the tooth. I’m putting this repair off until January, giving up popcorn and chewing very carefully on the right side of my mouth. My portion of the crown will be $600. Oh boy. October 18th wasn’t a banner day. I probably shouldn’t have left the house.
  4. October 20th: Rolled my ankle walking to my car. I’m nothing if not graceful. This one didn’t cost me anything other than a handful of ibuprofen and a swollen foot for 3 days. Nice.
  5. October 23th: Hit my head on the door of the dryer. Hit it hard. Hard enough to cause tears, a goose egg and a bruise that still hurts 3 days later. Again, this one only cost me my pride and a bag of ice.
  6. October 24th: The pump on the washing machine fails. This explains the stationary tub full of sopping wet clothes which I wrung out by hand. The good news – the machine has the extended warranty and the repair dude is coming on Thursday. Praise the lord.
  7. October 29th: My car is scheduled for new tires. Ironically this is the one event that was planned but now feels like a big financial inconvenience. And seriously, is there anything more un-fun then spending $500 on new tires. $500 buys a lot of shoes…or wine…which I need to drink to drown my sorrows and block out the financial hemorrhaging.
Ok – that’s 7. So either the universe is grossly cruel and I’ll be dealt another 2 bad things or I’m really done for a while and something good will happen – like winning megamillions or hitting all green lights on the way home from work or finding $10 in the pocket of my jeans. At this point, I’m desperate – I’ll take anything that doesn’t result in death, injury or unexpected loss of cash flow.


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